Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme TEQIP is the World Bank assisted project under Government of India for the improvement of technical education The first phase was focused on Infrastructural and overall development of technical institutes and the second phase focuses on Research, Innovation and scaling-up Post Graduate education. Abou 190 institutions including NITs all over the country are benefitted by the project. State Project facilitating Unit (SPFU) at directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka facilitates TEQIP activities for the state of Karnataka and is always encouraging for such activities which help in the growth of technical education.
SJCE has successfully completed World Bank assisted TEQIP – I scheme of Government of India as a lead institute in which the emphasis was on infrastructure and is part of TEQIP II scheme in which priority is on post graduate education, research and innovation. SJCE has successfully implemented TEQIP II till date, expenditures are incurred under all heads and almost all the project targets have been achieved till date. SJCE has fulfilled the requirements of Key Performance Indices securing 8 out of 8 points in the recently concluded Joint Review Meeting with world bank and MHRD, completed all the procurement successfully, succeeded in being identified as lead institute in Global Initiative for Academic Networking (GIAN) and was selected for Programme of Leadership in University Management (PLUM) with NUS Singapore. All these resulted in recognizing SJCE for additional grants of Rs. 500 Lakhs under TEQIP-II. The overall performance of SJCE has been appreciated by SPFU, NPIU and MHRD.
SJCE has progressed in improving the quality and quantity of Masters& Doctoral students in Engineering, improving collaboration with industry, Quantitative increase & qualitative improvement in research by faculty individually, jointly& collaboratively, developing research interest among undergraduate students, Improving the academic performance of weak students, enhancing transition rate, improving employability of students through Finishing Schools and Improving institutional governance. Two of the main focusses of SJCE have been ‘Research’ and ‘Internationalization’.
The targets of TEQIP-II have increased so far by,
· 2 new MTech. programs initiated in project period.
· 22 % increase in M. Tech enrolment and output.
· 55 % increase in PhD enrolment & output.
· 90 % increase in the number of research publications by Faculty members.
· 50% increase in MoUs with industry; 40% increase in MoUs with other institutions.
· 3 % increase in IRG. • Excellent Transition rate (above 95 %) at all levels both in UG and PG courses.
· Training for Faculty and staff in domain area, pedagogy, research area and soft skills.
· Undergraduate placement rate increased from 84% to 96%.
· Climate for innovation & research created in the institute.
· Established Automotive Electronics Laboratory and Center for Road and Urban Transportation Eco-system
· M.Tech and Ph.D. Assistantship:
o Assistantship provided to 203 M.Tech students.
o Assistantship extended to 15 full-time Ph.D. students.
· Faculty Development:
o 135 faculty members participated in conferences within India.
o 13 faculty members utilized funds for international travel.
o 237 faculty members underwent training outside the campus.
o 185 faculty members received in-house training.
o Additional training in areas like research quality, teaching methods, financial management, and human relations at work.
· Non-Teaching Staff Development:
o Three workshops organized exclusively for non-teaching technical staff.
o Training provided in areas such as English proficiency, soft skills, personality development, and technical skills for 75 non-teaching staff.
· Technical Training:
o Workshops on servicing and maintenance of UPSs, air conditioners, electronics lab equipment, and laboratory devices.
· Research Partnerships:
o Collaborations with premier institutes worldwide, including universities in South Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, USA, and Japan.
o Research projects in various domains, such as smart materials, biomarkers, cancer drug discovery, and neurological disorders detection.
· Publications and Degrees:
o 527 journal publications and 436 conference proceedings during the project period.
o 51 Ph.Ds awarded, 214 scholars pursuing Ph.D.
o 41 research projects, 14 UG, and 8 PG projects funded under the Innovative Research Project scheme.
· Industry Collaboration:
o Research labs set up by industries like Bosch, Phillips, Schneider, PACE, etc.
o 12 adjunct faculty from industry, 12 MoUs with industries.
o Training Initiatives for Students:
o More than 950 placements and participation from 116 companies.
o Excellent transition rate at 97% in the first year.
o Internships for UG and PG students.
o Workshops in collaboration with industry and research organizations for curricula development.
· Capacity Building and Societal Contributions:
o Management capacity building workshop for HoDs and policymakers.
o Participation in MDPs organized by IIMs.
o Societal initiatives including alcohol de-addiction camps, counseling support, and workshops on stress management and wellness.
· Student Support:
o Identification of weak students through diagnostic tests.
o Motivational courses offered to weak students.
o Introduction of supplementary semesters based on examination results.
These achievements showcase the institution’s commitment to academic excellence, faculty and staff development, research collaboration, and societal contributions.