
Library and Information Centre was established in the year 1963, and Now is one of the best engineering college libraries in the state. It started its function with a vision to serve the information needs of its users and it mainly holds books related to engineering and allied subjects The library has a collection of over 1,49 ,772 Volumes and 51401 Titles of Text Books, Reference Books, Directories, Yearbooks, Biographical sources, Humanities, Abstracts, Literature, and Management. The library has an amazingly rich collection of Thesis, Dissertations, Encyclopedias, and General books including Kannada & English novels. Collections of books, and CDs/DVDs in the IAS corner, encourage the Students in preparation for the computation examinations like IAS, IPS, GATE, TOFEL, GRE & other National and international levels.

The library is also subscribing to 136 Technical journals and 18 general magazines and it has a subscription for full-text e-journals like
2. IEI (Institute of Engineer’s India),
3. ASCE,
4. Springer Nature,
5. Knimbus Digital Library,
6. Membership of DELNET,
7. NDLI Club,
8. NPTEL lecture series (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)
to access video lectures.
9. JMP Software
10. Turnitin / Drill-bit Plagiarism Software

Digital library with 35 systems to access the E-Journals, E-books, CD/DVD’s are available in the Library. Using Libsoft software (Version 12.0.0) for all in-house operations in the library is fully computerized and provides web-based access to the online catalogue of the library Library and Information Centre provides uncompromising information and intellectual requirements to its students and faculty with a user-friendly approach. It offers a fully integrated and dynamic environment for conducting academic study. Multiple copies ensure that resources are easily available in the Reference Section and Stock Section as well. Besides this, it provides Lending of books and journal back volumes, photocopying, CD/DVD and Internet services, etc.

Library Services

Book Circulation Service

• Reference service / Referral Service

• Journals & General magazine section

• Newspaper section

• Web OPAC / Bibliographic service

• Remote Access to e-resources

• Digital Library services

• Reprographic & Scanning Services

• SC / ST Book Bank scheme

• Inter Library Loan / Document delievery services etc…

Library Timings

General Section:

• Monday to Friday 10 AM to 5.30PM (Monday & Thursday up to 6.30 PM for Evening College)

• Saturday 10 AM to 2.00 PM

• Sunday 10 AM to 11 AM

Reference Section:
Monday to Saturday 8:00 AM to 08:00 PM
(Depending on the Students requirements the above timings are extended during Examination Time.)

Digital Library services

Digital Library is equipped with an exclusive IBM DS 3400 Storage Server, Techfocus Digital Library software 4.0 and 35 computer systems. It provides an access to:

• Books/ Journals/Magazine

• Faculty Publications

• Previous year Question Papers

• College Photo Gallery

• Syllabus of all Semesters and all branches

• CD-Mirroring (CDs/ DVDs)

• Project Reports UG/PG

• Video Tutorials

Students and Staff members are requested to access the above resources through Intranet (within the campus) by visiting (click on browse, give appropriate key-word search or appropriate category, User ID- student PW- student).

Restrictions on access and downloading of licensed e-Resources. The e-Resources are licensed for the non-profit educational use of the Institute. Copyright law governs use of these e-Resources.

Doing the following things is strictly prohibited:

• Illegal downloading, distributing, or retaining substantial portions.

• Forwarding electronic versions of articles or the use of electronic articles for commercial purposes.

• Strictly prohibited to download entire journal issue or databases or an entire e-book.


Why should we not do the above things?

• Improper use can result in denial of access for the whole Institute to all electronic journals from a given publisher.

• Access to e-Resources is based on license agreements with publishers.

• Library users are permitted to make digital copies of individual documents, that is, to download an individual document temporarily to their own hard disc for non-commercial purposes only.

• Under the terms of use it neither permits forwarding electronic versions of articles nor the use of electronic articles for commercial purposes.

• Publishers keep track of patterns of use and where the publishers suspect misuse in the form of systematic downloading (ex. more than one article from an issue, continuous downloading from a particular journal etc.).

• They will cut off access requiring Library to investigate and take action on those who have misused the e-Resources.

• There have been instances where publishers have withdrawn access to their online resources to the entire Institute.

• This prevents access by the majority of responsible users to information needed for their research and learning.

• It becomes obligatory on the library’s part to investigate such misuses and report the same to the publishers.

• Takes longer time to get the access restored and convince the publisher that re-occurrence of such misuses will be stopped.

Developing Library Network (DELNET)/Inter Library Loan

Developing Library Network (DELNET)/Inter Library Loan is a network of 5144 institutions and access is being given to more than 50 lakh records through online systems. DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various union catalogues of the resources available in member libraries. It has already created the union catalogue of books, union list of current periodicals, CD ROM database. DELNET provides an array of facilities including E mail to its member libraries including both institutional and associate institutional members. It has indeed been a big leap towards the modernization of libraries in India.

User name : knsjce
Password : sjce11

Rules and Regulations

• Silence to be maintained

• No discussion permitted within the library

• Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources

• No personal belongings allowed inside the library

• Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library

• Using Cellular phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.

• Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library

• Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter

• The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.

• Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.

• Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises.


Admission to Library:
Students are allowed to library, Reference Section & Digital Library only on production of their authorized/valid Identity Cards.

Borrowing Facilities :
Books will be issued on presentation of the library card along with the smart card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.

Overdue Charges:
Books will be issued to the students for 14 days only. In the last page slip is pasted and stamped mentioning the due date and the fine will be charged @ Rs.0.50 per day per book up to one week. After one week Rs.1 per day per book from the due date till the book is returned to library.

Book Lost:
If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the latest edition or same edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the Principal.

Loss of cards/ Smart cards:
Loss of borrower card/ Smart card should be reported to the librarian in writing. After checking the borrowing register they will be issued a fresh replacement card on a payment of Rs.10/- per Borrower card and Rs.200/- for Smart card.

Validity of cards:
Library borrower cards are valid for the respective academic year only and fresh cards will be issued for each year & Smart cards are valid till end of the Course. At the end of the academic year borrower cards shall be returned to the library.

Care of Library Books:
Students are required to handle the books/ Journal very carefully; marking with pencil; writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case, reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.

Book bank:
SC/ST students of the college can become a member of the book bank giving application along with Document Proof, for the full duration of course. Members of the book bank will be issued 4 to 5 textbooks (availability of books) for each semester. Books shall be returned within one week after the theory examination.

Reference section:
This section has Encyclopedia, dictionaries, Text books reference books etc. which are only available for reference. User can make use of these resources.

Journal Section:
In this section, journals, general magazines and News letter are available. They are arranged Subject wise. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack Subject wise and are meant only for reference within the library.

Contact Information

Basappa. K.L.
Mobile No.: +919449489864