Notable Players

Name Credits
Javagal Srinath Cricketer – Team India
Prahlad Srinath Tennis Player – Team India

Budding Sport Stars

Name Credits
Nitnanad Member of Karnataka State Cricket Team (under-22 side)
Lakshman R Member of Karnataka State Cricket Team (under-19 side)
Sowmya Urs A M Represented VTU Volley Ball Team.
Nilasha H A Represented Mysore District in Roller Skating at various tournaments.
Raghhav Anil Kumar Represented college team in Gymnastics and represented VTU team in All India Inter university Competition.
Navnik Shivadas Represented Karnataka State Team in All India Traditional Karate- Do Kubudo Championship-2011.
N M Praveen Kumar Represented Karnataka State Team in All India Traditional Karate- Do Kubudo Championship-2011.
Shiva Prasad B P Represented College in Best Physique Team at city and intercollegiate tournament.
Neema Arjun Bathija Represented College and VTU Tennis Team for various tournaments.