Department of Chemistry was established as a part of SJCE in 1963 and it has got a excellent qualified faculties offering Masters of Science and Doctoral Programmes (Ph.D) in the area of Chemistry. M.Sc Chemistry with four core modules of Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. The department apart from its main tasks of involving itself in an academic teaching and research has been also periodically interacted and established a mutually beneficial relationship with the nearby institution. The state of the art infrastructural facilities, faculties and expertise has been the hall mark of the department. This course is academic, industry and research oriented programme. A good number of industries contacted for M.Sc Chemistry course. Regular teaching and research laboratories are well equipped with sophisticated instruments to meet needs of the students. Department has achieved remarkable progress in terms of research output. The department at present has 15 researchers registered for PhD programme with 2 thesis submitted and 3 awarded. The main areas of ongoing research are synthetic organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, synthetic organometallic chemistry, green chemistry, nano chemistry, biosensors and co-ordination chemistry. Every year the department is organizing seminar, workshops and conferences to provide a platform for scientists and industrialists to discuss for mutual benefits.
• B.E